Friday, May 2, 2008

how to crochet - the way that grandma used to do it

Many people, when hearing the word crochet, instantly conjure the image of an elderly woman sitting in a chair, crochet hook held firmly in arthritic fingers as she concocts another table doily. Crochet is a great hobby to take up.

Many of these books and magazines, are rare and expensive, putting them out of the reach of the average crafter, other than in a library, Libraries in particular are good low cost sources of patterns, however it generally takes a fair bit of time and effort to locate a suitable pattern. Yarn companies dye yarn in large batches and there can be slight variations in color between the batches. And you ll certainly have a unique outfit that you are guaranteed will be the only one of its kind.

There are some that sell patterns and some that will tell you where to get them for free! Yes, free. Unlike knitting, crochet uses this single starting loop to work a row of individual chain stitches. You can find the patterns at local craft stores or online where pattern sites offer many from which to choose.

You can find a crochet baby pattern for a variety of crochet designs online and in local craft stores. Crochet is an ideal craft to do when you re travelling. After you crochet your project, you may want to try your hand at something a little larger.

That is one of the great things about crochet. Crochet may seem complicated at first, but is really simple once you learn how.

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