Thursday, July 24, 2008

crochet afghan pattern books

The word crochet comes from the French croche or croc meaning to hook. What comes from within combined with the guidance and technical know-how of formal education results in beautiful products.

The fabric itself can be strong and versatile and depending on the variations of colors used, can also create many different beautiful patterns. Even those already familiar with the art of crochet find much to learn from these magazines. Many older patterns contained just a picture with just a few of the more complicated sections explained, as a consequence you were expected to work from the picture for the majority of the pattern!

There are some that sell patterns and some that will tell you where to get them for free! Yes, free. Afghan hooks are used for specialized crochet projects, and they allow you to hold many stitches on your hook. It can be a great way to unleash your creativity and produce something completely unique.

Most of all, have fun and relax. Take your time and concentrate on your technique.

crochet pattern for iris afghan - this is what you need to know filet crochet patterns afghan - crochet with passion

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