Monday, January 5, 2009

crochet candycane crochet guide

A simple project that lends itself to a variety of bold colors and various patterns, the crochet scarf has marked the foray into the world of crochet for many just picking up hook and yarn. Granny squares have been made into everything from large afghans to tiny doll sweaters and everything in between.

If you don't know how to crochet, then your crochet baby blanket will take a little longer to finish. Pick an interesting baby blanket pattern. Also take a look at the crochet instructions to determine the materials needed for your project.

If you are working with specific colors, you can not guarantee that you will be able to color match exactly the yarn you have been using. There may be clubs in your area that meet monthly to exchange crochet patterns and to give tips to each other. Learning to crochet a dress for dolls can also give you an avenue for making extra money.

Choose your yarn and get started. So if you are looking for the perfect gift, look no further than crochet.

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